Corporate Philosophy

Corporate Philosophy

Here at Sankei Building Group,
we aim to be a corporate group that contributes to society
by providing spaces & services that bring a sense of
happiness, satisfaction, and joy to urban dwellers.

Created November 2010

Environmental Philosophy

THE SANKEI BUILDING CO., LTD. challenges itself as a developer in various situations from development through to operation and right through to demolitions by consciously mitigating environmental burden, seeking to be in harmony with the natural environment, and endeavoring to preserve the global environment.

Environmental Policies

We ourselves perceive that consideration of the environment is an important challenge, and our activities aim to achieve "Environmental Coexistence".

1.Abiding by laws & regulations

Abide by environment related laws & regulations and environment related codes of behavior of industry/affiliated organization etc. that have been agreed to by THE SANKEI BUILDING CO., LTD.

2.Resources/energy saving

Employ energy conservation systems that take into consideration the environment, and aim to promote the appropriate disposal of waste, and resource/energy saving in new developments, and renovations of existing buildings.

3.Contribution to becoming a recycling oriented society

Make even more plans/designs/developments that aim to promote the reuse of resources/lengthier operating lives of properties, and facilities while endeavoring to reduce waste.

4.Mitigating environmental burden

Understand impacts on the environment, set/review environmental aims and targets, consider reductions of CO2 etc, make environmental improvements, and also strive to mitigate the environmental burden, and endeavor to prevent pollution.

5.Implement & continually improve environmental management structures

Implement environmental management structures, and use environmental education as a means to raise environmental awareness both within and outside the company. Make changes etc. via internal audits/managers, and continually improve management structures.

Created 20 April 2005